chipsa design studio
sites / interfaces / branding / cgi

Websites hat stand out

We make websites not like everyone else’s — with elaborate animation, high-quality content and a creative concept

We get along well with companies from the fields of

industry and equipment
medicine and health
construction and real estate

how we work

Our approach is maximum transparency for the client
  • Honest Time & Material
    Payment based on the time spent with reference to the preliminary assessment made at the beginning of the project. We do not charge money for the assessment
  • Weekly reports
    Every week there is a report on how much time you spent and on what. We are discussing the result, taking into account the feedback next week.
  • Launch via MVP
    If you need “yesterday”, we will promptly launch the minimum version of the site and develop it in iterations. Consider no-code on WebFlow, if appropriate.
  • Research and analytics
    If necessary, we will conduct surveys of the target audience, customer employees, market experts, and take into account the data at the analytics stage, along with the results of the SEO audit.
  • Mobile-in-mind
    We design for four resolutions at once — desktop, notebook, tablet, mobile. We pay more attention to mobile, if the statistics on the Central Administrative District so dictate.
  • and other things
    We will help you with copywriting, text translations, SEO audit, video production, and other tasks that are not typical for us. We have trusted partners and contractors for these and other services. Let’s take over the supervision of the work.


What tasks do we solve
  1. To increase / form brand awareness and loyalty, surprise, stand out from competitors, evoke the right emotions in the visitor
    for example, delight
    for example, delight
    for example, delight
    for example, delight
    for example, delight
    for example, delight
    for example, delight
    for example, delight
    for example, delight
    for example, delight
    for example, delight
  2. It is interesting to talk about the company / offer / products / services / other important information, to make you want to buy here and now or later, but for sure.
    The desire to buy
    The desire to buy
    The desire to buy
    The desire to buy
    The desire to buy
    The desire to buy
    The desire to buy
    The desire to buy
    The desire to buy
    The desire to buy
    The desire to buy
  3. Make the site an effective tool not only for visitors, but also for the client’s employees (your content managers will thank you)
    an effective tool


  • Workshop
    The first meeting of the studio and client teams — we get acquainted, hug, synchronize, collect wishes, clarify goals, immerse ourselves in the project.
  • Research and analytics
    Research and analytics
    Interviews, focus groups, analysis of competitors and best practices, scenarios, SEO-based structure, stylistics, prototypes.
  • Design concept
    Design concept
    In a beautiful video, we show the customer and developers how the site will “live” after launch and interact with the user.
  • Inner pages UI/UX design
    Inner pages UI/UX design
    We create cool content — CGI, photos and videos, illustrations, texts.
  • Creative Frontend
    Creative Frontend
    We make an adaptive layout with complex (but appropriate) animation and interactivity. We are implementing the designer’s ideas, working on page optimization.
  • Backend
    We set up the admin panel, integrate it with services, program functionality, and write documentation for effective maintenance and development.
  • Testing, filling, launching
    Testing, filling, launching
    If you need “yesterday”, we launch it through MVP with subsequent iterative development of the site. But we are not in a hurry, and we do not make people laugh.
  • Project support
    Project support
    We are adding new functionality and sections of the site, helping with SEO, and performing other tasks for the development of the project.


  • design
    • Figma
    • Principle
    • Cinema 4D
    • Blender
    • After Effects
  • frontend
    • GreenSock
    • Three.js
    • React
    • WebGL
    • Barba.js
  • backend
    • Git
    • Bitrix
    • Laravel


the result of our workan effective tool developed on the basis of research and analytics, carefully researched interaction experience and modern development technologies. Oh, it’s also a beautiful website. We can’t do it any other way
Learn more